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DARMASISWA indonéz ösztöndíj 2012/2013

DARMASISWA ösztöndíj lehetőséget kínál indonéz nyelv, művészeti, zenei és kézműipari tanulmányok folytatására. A program résztvevői az ország különböző városaiban lévő 45 egyetem közül választhatnak. A programot a Nemzeti Oktatásügyi Minisztérium (MoNE) szervezi a Külügyminisztériummal (MoFA) együttműködve.

Ország: Indonézia
Támogatottak: érettségizettek
Célok: tanulmányok
Tudományterület: bölcsészettudomány, művészetek
Támogatások formája: ösztöndíj
Ösztöndíj időtartama: 1 év
Szükséges nyelvtudás: angol
Korhatár (alsó-felső): nincs-35
Ösztöndíj keret: n.a.
Pályázati határidő: 2012 Február 17.

Pályáztató szervezet: Indonéz Kormány Nagykövetsége
Pályáztató címe: 1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 26.
Pályáztató email címe:
Pályáztató telefonszáma: 06-1- 413-3800
Pályáztató URL-je:


DARMASISWA is a scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Indonesian language , arts, music and crafts. Participants can choose one of 45 different universities located in different cities in Indonesia. This program is organized by the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) of the Republic of Indonesia.

The DARMASISWA program was started in 1974 as part of ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) initiative, admitting only students from ASEAN. However, in 1976 this program was extended to include students from other countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and USA. In the early 90′s, this program was extended further to include all countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia. Until to date, the number of countries participating in this program is more than 75 countries.

The main purpose of the DARMASISWA program is to promote and increase the interest in the language and culture of Indonesia among youths of other countries. It has also been designed to provide stronger cultural links and understanding among participating countries.

Darmasiswa RI Program is conducted in 3 schemes, i.e :

  • Regular 1 (One) Year -Darmasiswa RI scholarship Program: Regular One Year program is a one-year scholarship program offered to foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Bahasa Indonesia, Art (traditional music, traditional dance, craft) Culinary and Tourism in selected Indonesian Higher Education Institutions. List of Universities/College for 1 Year Scholarship, download here
  • Regular 6 (Six) Months – Darmasiswa RI scholarship Program: Regular six-month program is a six-month scholarship program offered to foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Bahasa Indonesia in selected Indonesian Higher Education Institutions.  List of Universities/College for 6 Months Scholarship, download here
  • Summer Course Regular 3 (Three) Months – Darmasiswa RI scholarship Program: Summer Course Regular three-months program is a three-month scholarship program offered to foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study specific education in selected Indonesian Higher Education Institutions, (ISI Yogyakarta, ITB Bandung, IPB Bogor, UNESA Surabaya, UNAIR Surabaya, UIN Jakarta, UNUD Bali, UGM Yogyakarta, UI Depok. List of Universities/College for 3 Months Summer Course Scholarship, download here

THE SCHOLARSHIP COVERS: Participants will receive a montly allowance in the amount of Rp 2.000.000,00 (two million rupiah), and will be transferred to the University/college where they study, but the participant is advised to bring enough money in US dollar in case of unexpected additional expenses in Indonesia.


  1. Registration opened from November 2011 until 17 February 2012
  2. Administration selection on March 2012
  3. Academic Selection middle of April 2012
  4. Notification of selection results in the end of April 2012
  5. Confirmation of participation, in the end of May 2012
  6. Expected arrival of the participants at the beginning of August 2012
  7. Orientation of participants in Jakarta will start at the beginning of August 2012
  8. Schedule of classes will begin on:
    • Summer Course Reguler Program 3 Months will start at the beginning of June 2012 until August 2012
    • Regular Program 6 Months will start at the beginning of August 2012 until January 2013
    • Reguler Program 1 Years will start at the beginning of August 2012 until July 2013
  9. Specifically for students placed at the University of Indonesia the classes will begin in the end of July 2012.


  • Not more than 35 years old of age;
  • Has completed secondary education or its equivalent;
  • Submit a copy of academic transcript
  • Are in good health as proved by Medical Certificate
  • Submit passport size color photograph (5 pieces)
  • Full-page copy of passport valid for at least 18 months from time of arrival in Indonesia
  • Able to communicate in English and have a basic knowledge of the field they are applying for


The applicant should apply through the following procedures:

  • Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General in the country of residence. (Registration through the Indonesian Embassy closed on 17 February 2012)
  • Visit the website at:  , applicants should notify to the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General before applying online.
  • Fill out application form, download here
  • Medical Examination Papper. download here
  • The documents of applicants who have been selected by the Indonesian Embassy will be submitted to the :

Head Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation
Secretariat General
Department of Education and Culture
Building C, 6th floor,  Jalan Jenderal Sudirman,
Telp./Fax. (62-21) 5724707, 5738181
and mail to :
Director of Public Diplomacy
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jalan Taman Pejambon No. 6
Telp. (62-21) 3813480,
Fax. (62-21) 3858035

HEALTH INSURANCE : The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) will not provide health insurance; therefore the participants should obtain the International insurance before arriving in Indonesia.
