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CIPE Youth Essay Competition 2012

CIPE Esszéíró verseny 2012. A Nemzetközi Magánvállalkozások Központja (Center for International Private Enterprise – CIPE) 18 és 30 év közötti diákokat, fiatal kutatókat invitál esszéíró versenyére! Jelentkezni egy 1500-2500 szavas esszé elkészítésével lehet a következő témákban:

  1. Vállalkozás és innováció: a technológia mögött
  2. Inkluzív növekedés
  3. Társadalmi átalakulások: A vállalkozók szerepe a demokráciaépítésben

Minden kategória első három helyezettjének munkáját publikálja a szervezet, a kategóriagyőztesek pénzjutalomban részesülnek. A nagydíj nyertese meghívást kap a CIPE következő, Democracy that Delivers for Entrepreneurs konferenciára (költségeinek teljes átvállalásával), amelyet 2013. áprilisában az USA-ban rendeznek meg.

Jelentkezési határidő: 2012. október 19.

Minden részlet elérhető itt:

Essay Guidelines

Who can participate: Students and young professionals aged 18-30. Past CIPE Youth Essay Contest Winners are not eligible to participate.

Length and language: 1,500-2,500 words. All essays must be in English.

Submission Format: All essays must be submitted through our online form and must include the writer’s name in the file name and inside the document.

For example, if your name is John J. Smith, the document should be named „SMITH-JOHN.doc”.

The essay you submit must focus on the role of youth and, where applicable, include examples from your personal experience relating to the topic. Essays that only talk about challenges to entrepreneurship in general terms, or limit proposed solutions only to what governments should do, will not be successful.

Winners: For each category, CIPE will publish the winning first, second, and third place essays. Winning authors will receive a $500 honorarium.

One grand prize winner will be invited on an all-expense-paid trip to attend CIPE’s upcoming Democracy that Delivers for Entrepreneurs conference in the United States, which is planned for April 2013.

Deadline: October 19, 2012 at 11:00 PM (EDT)


Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Beyond technology

  • What barriers do young entrepreneurs in your country face in translating their ideas into products and services?
  • How do young entrepreneurs in your country foster new ways of acting and thinking?
  • What supporting institutions do young innovators need to succeed?

Inclusive Growth: The entrepreneurial environment for scaling up business

  • What challenges do youth-led businesses and entrepreneurs in your country face when they’re expanding their enterprises?
  • What opportunities do youth-led businesses and entrepreneurs have to succeed in your country, and what are some of the success stories?
  • In your society, what tools or institutions do entrepreneurs need to grow small enterprises into larger, more prosperous businesses?

 Social transformations: The role of entrepreneurs in building democratic societies

  • How can entrepreneurship among youth strengthen newly-formed or emerging democracies?
  • How are young entrepreneurs from different backgrounds participating in your country’s democracy?
  • In what ways are young entrepreneurs contributing to social transformations in your country?

Submit your essay!
