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Jim Duncan Scholarship – University of Aberdeen

Jim Duncan két éves ösztöndíj az Aberdeen Egyetemre. Az ösztöndíjat bármely ország tanulmányait újrakezdeni vagy folytatni kívánó állampolgára kérhet. Az ösztöndíj értéke 1500 £/év.

Study Level: Undergraduate

Year(s): entrance, year1, year2, year3

Country: All countries

Subject: All subjects

Brief Description

The Jim Duncan scholarship is open to anyone who has decided to go to University to undertake an undergraduate degree after having had a break in their education, or who are resuming their undergraduate studies at the University after an interruption, and require financial assistance.
Two Jim Duncan Scholarships are available.


The scholarships shall initially be awarded for a two year period of the undergraduate course in order to give security to the scholar awarded. Thereafter, the scholar may apply to have the scholarship renewed on an annual basis. Each scholarship is valued at £1,500 per annum.


The scholarships are open to all students regardless of nationality or fee status, who have had a break in education, or are resuming their undergraduate studies after an interruption.
Applications from medical students would be particularly welcome.


The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of financial need and hardship, and academic potential.

Application Procedure

Please complete the application and reference forms provided. Guidelines are also provided to help with completing the application form.
As the scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need the Scholarship Panel expects to see supporting documentary evidence and your application is likely to be unsuccessful if this is not provided.

Deadline: 22nd of April 2013

Application Docs

Jim Duncan Scholarship Application Form 2013.doc

Jim Duncan Scholarship – Guidelines for Applicants 2013.doc

Jim Duncan Scholarship – Confidential Reference 2013.doc

Web: Jim Duncan Scholarship