The Yousef Jameel Scholarship is generously funded by Sheikh Yousef Abdul Latif Jameel. This fully funded research scholarship is available to one graduate student demonstrating exceptional academic merit and/or potential, commencing a course of study in the history of Islamic art at the University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies. The scholarship will be awarded on academic merit and is open to applicants from any country who are applying to a graduate course of study in the history of Islamic art at the University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies.
Study Subject(s): History of Islamic Art
Course Level: DPhil
Scholarship Provider: Sheikh Yousef Abdul Latif Jameel
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
The scholarship will be awarded on academic merit and is open to applicants from any country who are applying to a graduate course of study in the history of Islamic art at the University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies. Applicants should be intending to conduct research in any subject of Islamic art that the University’s current staff are able to supervise at doctoral level; and/or whose research projects make use of the University’s holdings in Islamic art (including, but without limitation, those in the Ashmoleon Museum, the Bodleian Library, the Museum of the History of Science and the Pitt-Rivers Museum). Preference will be given to DPhil students but funding may be available to candidates who are required to take the MPhil or MSt in Islamic Art and Archaeology before commencing their doctoral training. Candidates should be applying to start a new graduate course at Oxford. This scholarship is open to candidates studying for degree-bearing courses, with the exception of Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma courses.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: The Yousef Jameel Scholarship is generously funded by Sheikh Yousef Abdul Latif Jameel. This fully funded research scholarship is available to one graduate student demonstrating exceptional academic merit and/or potential, commencing a course of study in the history of Islamic art at the University’s Faculty of Oriental Studies.
What does it Cover:100% of university and college fees, and a grant for living costs (rate to be confirmed). The award is made for the full duration of a student’s fee liability for the agreed course. If your scholarship is offered for a course lasting more than one year, the continuation of your scholarship each year is subject to an annual renewal process based upon satisfactory academic progress.
Duration: Period of fee liability (usually the same length as the course)
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 18 January 2013
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